2020/05/22it is 2020, world trigger is back, the b-rank wars arc is finally pretty much done, the anime is about to return sometime hopefully, and i updated my "about" with the very important info which is my blood type.
2016/06/29haven't updated in so long but i updated today! two sets of new covers
2016/04/24two days late anniversary for my world trigger site! too bad i don't have anything new to add right now
2016/04/09first saturday of the rest of my life... uploaded last weeks screenshot and the new bd covers
2016/03/29toei whyd you have to make this 73 episodes what am i gonna do with my screenshot pages now?
2016/03/05screenshot and dvd cover update. this may be one of the last screenshot updates...
2016/02/20new screenshots! i swear i'll update my collection page someday... maybe an itabag page?
2016/02/06long overdue update of screenshots and bd covers! maybe check out my japan trip page too?
2016/01/03happy new year! i added episode 60's screenshot. no episode this week but canon material again soon??
2015/12/19updating my site on saturday night! i should make my thumbnails into real thumbnails but i'm lazy...
2015/12/05久しぶりーち!jk i dont read bleach anyway long overdue screenshot update and bd covers
2015/11/15how about that filler anime... two more new screenshots!
2015/11/05updated the filler screenshots page after all LOL new volume covers too. enedora looking tough ★
2015/10/24filler anime sucks so much i dont kno if i can be motivated to post screenshots! added new fanart tho
2015/10/12its thanksgiving! finally updated my collection page, and added a screenshot from episode 50
2015/10/04changed that screenshot page back to the way it was when i thought there'd be fifty episodes. back then i intended the large one to be of tamakoma-2, but wow kage unit looks cool! thanks toei!
2015/09/28updated the format for the last page of screenshots of the anime. i dont know if i'll keep it like this... if the filler anime isn't awful, i'll change the format to show the screenshots like usual, with no separation between the filler and the first anime. also i added the volume eight covers.
2015/09/21new screenshots, and i even updated the smash borders page. collection update sometime!
2015/09/17a while since the last update, but the episode was delayed... but i made a character sorter!
2015/09/06i didnt update last weekend, but there were a lot of konami moments in the last two episodes! so i split her page into three parts. i added the regular episode screencaps too. what do you mean nasu unit arent the main characters???? i still have to fix up that last gallery page now that we know the main series will only have 48 episodes instead of 50, and that we will have the filler anime.
2015/08/26volume seven covers are here! updated my collection page and added two new fan art of mine too
2015/08/23page three of the screenshot gallery is now full! this new episode also had new konami!
2015/08/16two new screenshots! last week i was at otakuthon, and also too addicted to smash borders!! LOL
2015/08/01new screenshot and changed the smash borders page a bit. still not rly happy with it tho
2015/07/30collection update and new bd covers! started a page on smash borders, but its under construction
2015/07/25on the screenshot gallery i wrote "hope for season two" but we dont have to hope! the world trigger anime is continuing on past october! more blu-rays to buy... LOL its very good news. now to hope that sensei has some involvement in the story, but even without it could still be good. interestingly, episode 39 had a lot of filler! i added screenshots on the gallery and konami page.
2015/07/20feels like its been forever since the last update! episode 38 screenshot and two of my fanart
2015/07/05lots of updates! collection update, new episode screenshot, and two new konami
2015/06/30now volume four is here! i added new links on the random page; you can view sample settei
2015/06/29new screenshots in the main screenshot gallery and my konami page. also volume three arrived!
2015/06/23volume five covers are tachikawa and arashiyama unit! updated my konami page too.
2015/06/20did ya see my twin screenshot update? also i still havent received any parcels... hurry up!
2015/06/06new screenshots! also i hope i get my copy of anime volume 3 and ashita no hikari soon!
2015/05/26a bit late (i was at anime north!) but i added the new episode screenshot AND volume 4 covers!
2015/05/17finally added more photos to my collection page, and updated the random page
2015/05/16new screenshot update! i also added some more of my fanart and started the RANDOM page
2015/05/09added screenshots from episodes 28 and 29!
2015/05/04no link to it, but i made a page for animal crossing qr codes! (arashiyama unit & school konami)
2015/04/25other than the collections page and adding in screen caps and bd covers as they come out, its complete! i will take pictures of my collection when im not lazy... but i added a screenshot from episode 27, and FROM THE NEW OPENING! good but the operator scene is missing sayoko
2015/04/22i just started making this website! i dont know when i will get it anywhere near to presentable, but this is the beginning! actually maybe the beginning was yesterday (or was it the day before??) when i had the idea of making a very 90s world trigger fansite. this is inspired by some old hunter x hunter sites. im glad world trigger isnt absent from jump as often as hunter x hunter is.