welcome to my



2020/05/22it is the year 2020, world trigger is back, the b-rank wars arc is finally pretty much done, the anime is about to return sometime hopefully, and i updated my "about" with the very important info which is my blood type.
2016/06/29haven't updated in so long but i updated today! two sets of new covers
2016/04/24two days late anniversary for my world trigger site! too bad i don't have anything new to add right now
2016/04/09first saturday of the rest of my life... uploaded last weeks screenshot and the new bd covers
2016/03/29toei whyd you have to make this 73 episodes what am i gonna do with my screenshot pages now?
2016/03/05screenshot and dvd cover update. this may be one of the last screenshot updates...
2016/02/20new screenshots! i swear i'll update my collection page someday... maybe an itabag page?
2016/02/06long overdue update of screenshots and bd covers! maybe check out my japan trip page too?
2016/01/03happy new year! i added episode 60's screenshot. no episode this week but canon material again soon??
2015/12/19updating my site on saturday night! i should make my thumbnails into real thumbnails but i'm lazy...


return to vvvvw